

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, or DSK as he is often known in the international press, head of the International Monetary Fund was arrested earlier this week for a sexual assault on a hotel maid in Manhattan. DSK is currently remanded, pending the outcome of a new york grand jury investigation and is being housed at the Riker’s Island jail complex here in New York.

Rape and other Sexual Assault charges are very serious and difficult to defend. They require a skilled criminal defense attorney to know the science, law, psychology and factual intricacies of the case, but they are beatable cases.

While little has come out about the evidence at this early stage of the case one can surmise that the prosecution has more evidence than the mere statements of the victim. The New York City police Department and the New York County District Attorney’s Office acted remarkably swiftly to arrest such a powerful and high profile figure.

At this point DSK is presumed innocent, under our system of justice and we will have to wait and see what evidence exists. In the meantime DSK sits in jail awaiting the outcome of the grand jury investigation.

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