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When an individual is charged with assault, the proceedings can take many different forms. It can depend, in part, on what kind of assault the State alleges the defendant committed. In an opinion that recently came out of an appeals court in New York, the court discusses the difference between assault in the second degree and in the third degree, providing an apt reminder of the different elements and consequences of each crime.

Facts of the Case

In the recent case before the Appellate Division, First Department, the defendant was convicted of attempted assault in the first degree and assault in the second degree. The conviction was based on an incident in which the defendant punched and injured two individuals one night in Manhattan. At least one other person was involved in the attack, and that second person used a weapon, which the prosecution described as a “long, thin, dark-colored object” during trial.

Assault in the Second Degree

On appeal, the defendant argued that the court should have granted his request to instruct the jury that he could have been found guilty of assault in the third degree in instead of assault in the first degree. The difference between the two crimes is important. To be found guilty of assault in the first degree, a jury would have to find: that you had the intent to cause serious physical injury (and did cause injury); that you intended to cause injury and used a dangerous instrument (i.e., a weapon); that you assaulted an official; that you recklessly caused injury with a weapon; that you intentionally caused someone to become unconscious; or that you injured someone when committing a felony.

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A New York court recently issued an interesting opinion dealing with the sex offender registry, and its opinion highlights a technical question that can have significant impacts on defendants convicted of sex crimes. The question before the court had to do with a specific defendant’s status on the sex offender registry. She argued that she should be listed on the registry as a nonviolent offender, while the State argued she should be listed on the registry as a violent offender. Ultimately, the court’s decision came out in favor of the defendant, and it decided to make her status “nonviolent” on the registry in New York.

The Defendant’s Conviction

In the case before the Appellate Division, Fourth Department, the defendant appealed an order from the lower court that designated her as a “sexually violent offender.” The defendant lived in North Carolina, and while living there, she was convicted of sexual activity under the theory of aiding and abetting. She registered as a sex offender and later moved to the state of New York. She was then required, under the law, to register as a sex offender in New York.

The Board of Examiners of Sex Offenders conducted a risk assessment of the defendant to determine her level of risk for purposes of the sex offender registry. The Board did not think that the defendant needed to be labeled “sexually violent,” but the State argued that she should be designated “violent” because of a specific law, which says when a person is convicted in another state, that person should then be labeled as a sexually violent offender in the new state where they reside.

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A September 2024 Grand Larceny case in New York demonstrates how crucial it is to carefully review every agreement you sign related to your criminal offense. The case was based on the theft of a cell phone, and it originally resulted in a sentence of one year in prison. The defendant ultimately got his conviction reversed on appeal. The case serves as a reminder that if you are facing criminal charges in New York, you need a thorough and detail-oriented defense attorney in your corner to carefully represent your best interest.

Facts of the Case

The defendant in this case originally faced criminal charges when he snatched a cell phone from another person. The State charged him with fourth-degree grand larceny, petit larceny, and fifth-degree criminal possession of stolen property. Importantly, the complaint that brought the case to court did not state anything about the defendant using force at any point during the incident.

Superior Court Information

The defendant later waived his right to be prosecuted by indictment. Instead, he opted to be prosecuted by what is called a “superior court information,” meaning he chose to waive indictment by a grand jury. According to the superior court information, the defendant was charged with third-degree robbery and petit larceny.

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In New York, the prosecution in a criminal case is generally unable to present evidence of a defendant’s prior crimes or bad acts. There are, however, exceptions to this rule, and courts can admit otherwise inadmissible evidence using one of the exceptions laid out in the rules of evidence.  As a general rule, evidence of a prior bad act may never be used to demonstrate that a person has a propensity for committing crimes.

The Exceptions

The five exceptions to the rule that evidence of a defendant’s prior crime is inadmissible are when the evidence helps establish a defendant’s (1) intent or purpose, (2) motive, (3) knowledge, (4) plan, or (5) identity. These five categories can all end up being fairly broad, and each trial court might interpret the exceptions a bit differently. This can, in turn, be challenging for defendants who are trying to keep evidence of prior bad acts out of the record to keep the jury from being prejudiced against them.

In a recent case before the Appellate Division, Second Department, the defendant challenged the trial court’s use of exception #1, intent or purpose. During the defendant’s trial for criminal contempt in the first degree and aggravated harassment in the second degree, the prosecution sought to present evidence of testimony about an incident that let to a protective order against the defendant. Allegedly, the defendant had violated that protective order, which brought him to court on the criminal contempt and aggravated harassment charges.

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In criminal trials, juries must reach unanimous verdicts, which means all jurors must find a defendant guilty in order for the defendant to receive a guilty verdict. In a perfect world, jurors are able to deliberate and come to a verdict without the influence of the judge’s opinion regarding the case’s outcome. In a recent New York case, however, things took a turn when the higher court found that the trial court judge influenced jury members too heavily during their deliberations.

In the case before the Appellate Division, Second Department, the State charged the defendant with conspiracy and criminal possession of a controlled substance. The defendant pled not guilty, and his case went to trial. After both sides presented evidence, the jury went back to deliberate.

Jury Deliberations

After two days of deliberation, the jury submitted a note to the judge indicating that “after intense discussion,” they were unable to reach a unanimous decision. The judge advised the jury to try again, and after one more day, the jury again submitted a note that they were unable to reach a decision. Again, the judge advised the jury to keep trying. On the fourth day of deliberations, the jury again submitted a note indicating that the members were “hopelessly deadlocked.”

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As we have written extensively, discovery is a large part of the criminal process.  In a recent case before a New York appeals court, the parties asked the court to address whether certain changes to New York procedural standards, that is the new discovery laws, affected cases that were already in motion prior to the date the changes took effect. The case provides an interesting look at how very procedural and mechanical problems can end up having a big impact in a defendant’s proceedings.

Changes to Trial Procedure in New York

On January 1, 2020, New York made a technical change to its laws about preparing for trial. The change said that the State must file a “certificate of compliance” with the state’s newly enacted discovery rules. “Discovery” is the exchange of documents between parties in preparation for trial, and the 2020 changes essentially sought to make sure the State was in compliance with these new discovery rules prior to stating that it was ready to move forward to trial.

In the case before New York’s highest court, the New York Court of Appeals, the parties went to trial on January 27, 2020. On day one of trial, the State said it was prepared to move forward, even though it hadn’t filed its certificate of compliance under the new law. The defendant asked the court to dismiss the indictment because the State failed to file this certificate. The defendant’s case began, however, before the January 1, 2020 changes went into effect. Did the State still have to comply with the new law, even though it wasn’t in effect when the defendant was arraigned?

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As we have written about extensively, New York recognizes 4 levels of police intrusions during street encounters.  Under New York law, when a police officer conducts a traffic stop, the officer cannot unnecessarily prolong the stop. If an officer does keep the driver beyond a reasonable amount of time, he or she must have “reasonable suspicion” that criminal activity is afoot. Whether the officer had reasonable suspicion is a decision that a court must make, and if the court ultimately finds that the officer did not have reasonable suspicion, the Court can grant a defendant’s motion to suppress whatever incriminating evidence the officer ended up finding during the traffic stop.

In a recent case before a New York court, the defendant argued on appeal that the officer conducting his traffic stop unnecessarily prolonged the encounter between the two of them. During the encounter, the officer found significant amounts of heroin in the defendant’s car. Originally, when the case was before a New York trial court, the court determined that the traffic stop and resulting search of the vehicle were both justified. The court denied the defendant’s motion to suppress the incriminating evidence.

Reasonable Suspicion v. Founded Suspicion

When the case went up on appeal, however, the higher court noted that the trial court used the incorrect standard while evaluating the case. Instead of asking whether the officer had “reasonable suspicion” regarding possible criminal activity, the trial court asked whether the officer had “founded suspicion.” This “founded suspicion” standard, said the higher court, is a lesser standard than “reasonable suspicion.”

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In the state of New York, when a defendant is charged with rape, the defense attorney is prohibited from questioning the rape victim about his or her sexual history. This rule is called the rape shield law, and it prohibits juries from hearing evidence about a victim’s previous sexual acts unless the evidence shows that the defendant and the victim previously engaged in sexual activity. While there are a few other limited exceptions to the rule, the rule generally aims to keep jury members from making assumptions about rape victims that are irrelevant to the specific charges at hand.

In a June 2024 case before a New York appellate court, the defendant argued on appeal that he should have been able to question the victim (sometimes called the “complainant”) about her sexual history during cross examination. According to the defendant, it was relevant to open up this line of questioning in order to show that the complainant had engaged in sexual activity with other individuals. These other individuals, said the defendant, might have given her the physical injuries she claimed were due to the defendant’s rape.

The trial court prohibited the defendant from asking about the woman’s previous sexual history. On appeal, the higher court affirmed the trial court’s decision, concluding that the defendant’s theory that the woman’s injuries came from other sexual interactions was “purely based upon rumor and speculation.” This, said the court, was not a good enough reason to go against the rape shield law protecting the complainant from having to offer testimony about her sexual history.

If you receive an unfavorable jury verdict in a criminal trial, the good news is that you can appeal that verdict. Sometimes, though, even if the higher court grants your appeal, the State might appeal again, subjecting you to additional waiting and uncertainty. A recent case before the New York Court of Appeals serves as an example of this process, and in this case, even though the defendant got a favorable decision on his first appeal, he got an unfavorable decision from the second appeal when the court decided the prosecution’s error in his trial was ultimately “harmless.”

Originally, the defendant in this case was charged with first-degree assault and attempted murder. The defendant pled not guilty, his case went to trial, and a jury found him guilty of the assault. On appeal, though, the defendant argued that it was unfair for a police officer to testify regarding the victim’s daughter’s statements about the attack. Because the officer testified about the daughter’s statements, the defendant argued he was deprived of his right to cross-examine the daughter about what she said.

The Appellate Division agreed that this testimony was a violation of the defendant’s rights. It granted the defendant’s request and gave him an entirely new trial. The State appealed again, and the New York Court of Appeals then had to decide whether it was correct for the defendant to be given this new trial.

In criminal law, a “show-up” is the process through which a witness and a suspect are together face-to-face for the purpose of the witness’s ability to identify whether the suspect indeed committed the crime.  A “Show-Up” identification is by its very nature suggestive, as opposed to a line-up identification in which a victim or witness has the opportunity to choose from a group of 6 individuals.   Therefore rules are in place that govern how and when a show-up can be employed.    In a recent case before a New York court, the defendant argued that the show-up in his case was overly suggestive and therefore unfair. The court reviewed the defendant’s appeal and ultimately disagreed with his argument, affirming his original robbery conviction in the process.

Case Law Around Show-Ups

According to New York case law, courts generally prefer procedures other than show-ups, given that it can be suggestive for a witness to make an identification while face to face with a suspect. However, if there are emergency circumstances, a show-up is permissible. The show-up is also permissible if the witness can view the suspect close to where the crime occurred and close to the time at which the crime occurred.

A June 2024 Case

In the June 2024 case, the defendant argued his show-up was prejudicial. In this case, police officers responded to a robbery committed by two individuals. One individual immediately fled to a nearby house, and officers found and arrested him immediately. In looking for the second individual, the officers drove a witness through the neighborhood to see if he could make any kind of identification. Eventually, the officers and the witness returned to the house, where additional officers had apprehended a second suspect. Upon seeing the second suspect, the witness immediately identified him as the person who committed the robbery. Officers then arrested and charged the defendant with robbery.

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